Press conference of the „LIFE CONTRA Ailanthus” project

dr. sc. Tomislav Ćorić

Na Skradinskom buku u Nacionalnom parku Krka 24. svibnja 2021. održana je početna konferencija projekta „LIFE CONTRA Ailanthus“ – Uspostava kontrole invazivne strane vrste Ailanthus altissima (rajsko drvo) u Hrvatskoj. Konferenciju za medije otvorio je uvodnim govorom ministar gospodarstva i održivog razvoja Tomislav Ćorić. Glavni cilj i aktivnosti projekta predstavili su Aljoša Duplić, ravnatelj Zavoda […]


Aktivnosti - Pajasen (Ailanthus altissima)

The Order to remove the invasive alien species Ailanthus altissima (tree of heaven) was published in OG No. 89 on August 11, 2021. It ensures the implementation of Ailanthus removal activities from private land in two Natura 2000 SCI sites, HR2000918 “Šire područje NP Krka” and HR2001364 “Ji dio Pelješca”, as well as in the […]

Mapping of Ailanthus distribution within project areas

The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development conducted mapping of Ailanthus within all project areas from April to July 2021 in cooperation with project partners Public Institution National Park Krka, Public Institution for the Management of Protected Natural Areas of Dubrovnik-Neretva County, and Vrtlar d.o.o. from Dubrovnik to determine the baseline distribution of invasive species […]

The launch of the „LIFE CONTRA Ailanthus” project

The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development signed a grant agreement with the European Commission for the „LIFE CONTRA Ailanthus” project, which aims to establish control of the invasive tree species Ailanthus altissima. The project is financed through the LIFE programme, the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The lead partner of […]